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Kryptoodvetvie potrebuje reguláciu, ak sa dovtedy nezničí samé

19. 6. 2022   rozumnymuz.com
Nevidím dôvod na to, aby virtuálne bezcenné neexistujúce tulipánové lietadlo, letiace okolo ponziho pyramídy potrebovalo reguláciu od našich elít.
18. 6. 2022   Maria Gonzales

Hey everyone, Get Your Ex Lover Back Quickly & Permanently.
My name is Maria. My husband left me for a younger woman and I was devastated. It was as if she had him under an evil spell, Gonzales turned against me overnight without any warning. It happened this year, I was desperate for him to return because we had built a lot together and it would break the kids hearts. I used every single spell casting website that I could find with no results. Then i saw a particular testimony about Dr. Unity and it really gave me hope because it was similar to my case. I contacted him and he explained everything to me on what i should do. He started working with me in April and as a result from all of his wonderful works, Gonzales is here right now beside me which is a dream come true. I’m so happy and privileged to have met Dr Unity. Thank you! If you have similar issues, kindly contact Dr. Unity and be rest assured to get help.
Here his contact.
WhatsApp him at: +2348055361568 ,
Email him at: Unityspelltemple@gm ail.com ,
His website:unityspelltempl...
18. 6. 2022   anonym
V prvom rade je treba odhaliť šíriteľov takéhoto spamu, stotožniť a premeniť na biopalivá.
Smiešne je, že internet je všetko možné, len nie anonymný - takže by bolo možné to urobiť prakticky okamžite.
Teda až na ten posledný krok.
Tak ako všetko, internet je falošne anonymný - len preto, aby manipulátori verejnej mienky mohli prevádzkovať špionáž absudene globálneho rozsahu.
Mimchodom je skoro isté, že Google, Facebook, Microsoft - ale aj Muskove aktivity - sú štátne firmy, akurát pracujúce pod legendou súkromného podnikania ...