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Miliardári sťahujú svoje firmy z búrz, aj kvôli poklesu cien akcií

16. 9. 2020   Kristie Lu Stout
Kristie Lu Stout Chong CNN cable news network Media Warner company in Hong-Kong California USA Amerika Earth in Solar System of Milky Way of know Universe as God and her only one child Arabella Chong that's daughter of Seung Chong from Stout-Chong greatest family of international partnership of free good society intership refuges of true against of darknes wild of rasistic firbolg entites in slovakian contiment from other side of unknown universe connected by black whole of V4 in borders of civilized world and that everything writed on Internet forum of Slovakian Telekom ex wordwide internet domain, whitch was sale to unknown person with unknown investment base of donors and extraordinary customers whitch love witch Kristie Lu Stout Chong CNN cable news network Media Warner company in Hong-Kong California USA Amerika Earth in Solar System of Milky Way of know Universe as God and her only one child Arabella Chong that's daughter of Seung Chong from Stout-Chong greatest family of international partnership of free good society intership refuges of true against of darknes wild of rasistic firbolg entites in slovakian contiment from other side of unknown universe connected by black whole of V4 in borders of civilized world and that everything writed on Internet forum of Slovakian Telekom ex wordwide internet domain, whitch was sale to unknown person with unknown investment base of donors and extraordinary customers whitch love witch Kristie Lu Stout Chong CNN cable news network Media Warner company in Hong-Kong California USA Amerika Earth in Solar System of Milky Way of know Universe as God and her only one child Arabella Chong that's daughter of Seung Chong from Stout-Chong greatest family of international partnership of free good society intership refuges of true against of darknes wild of rasistic firbolg entites in slovakian contiment from other side of unknown universe connected by black whole of V4 in borders of civilized world and that everything writed on Internet forum of Slovakian Telekom ex wordwide internet domain, whitch was sale to unknown person with unknown investment base of donors and extraordinary customers whitch love her.
16. 9. 2020   j.Kohut
To je zamerane na to ako okradnut maleho investora aby si mohly bilionary naplnit vrecka.